I just bought Leaving based on your comments! I started reading it when I only had a few minutes to pick it up, and I feel like I need to carve out a couple of hours where I can just read it and do nothing else! The writing really draws you in. I’ve been picking up and putting down North Woods. I feel like I need to carve out a chunk of time to spend with that one, too.
it's always better when you have time with a book--I don't always! I read The Bee Sting earlier this year and it took me forever. Definitely would have been a better experience if I'd read it more consistently. If you finish, let me know what you think! Leaving is very propulsive IMO
Newburyport ❤️
I don’t know if you read my Modern Love, but the person I was writing about lives five minutes away.
Hope it’s a great time!
omg yes! I remember!!
I just bought Leaving based on your comments! I started reading it when I only had a few minutes to pick it up, and I feel like I need to carve out a couple of hours where I can just read it and do nothing else! The writing really draws you in. I’ve been picking up and putting down North Woods. I feel like I need to carve out a chunk of time to spend with that one, too.
it's always better when you have time with a book--I don't always! I read The Bee Sting earlier this year and it took me forever. Definitely would have been a better experience if I'd read it more consistently. If you finish, let me know what you think! Leaving is very propulsive IMO
I’m sorry to miss Newburyport! We’re on our way to a wedding in Baltimore.
Now I want to read both of the books! I've heard a lot about North Woods, but Leaving sounds great too.
you will love them!